Critical Commentary about the lecture "Where is the OUtrage? Critical Pedagogy in Dark Times" by Henry Giroux

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    According to the lecture Henry Giroux conducted, critical pedagogy  is a discourse for asserting the primacy of the political and the ethical as a central feature of educational theory and practice and as it is a progressive teaching philosophy which since it was founded, Mr. Giroux has been known for his pioneering work in this field as well as in other similar ones all over the world but mostly in the United States, he is considered the father of the critical pedagogy and he states that critical pedagogy argues for the importance of developing multiple literacies so that they challenge students to examine forms of oppression in society by attempting to dismantle the power structures that perpetuate inequality. In my opinion, this way of teaching needs to be implemented by educators in their classrooms because as the world is nowadays, it is important that students understand how those in power manipulate public opinion to encourage infighting among the people as a distraction so they don't notice they're being robbed, for example. Therefore, if students are more aware of what is really happening in a specific situation that affects their country or the world, they will be able to think critically about the way things are and who benefits from oppression and even, they might be able to look for alternatives that can be used in order to find a solution or make themselves heard. 
    Currently, the way education is being shaped in Colombia is completely different from the way it was years ago. Although, it is reasonable that there is a huge difference in times, it is important to highlight that in financial terms things are a bit more difficult when it comes to getting a higher education and it is simply because of the fact that the money which is supposed to be destined for educational purposes is being invested in "better things" what it is only used as an excuse, to hide out the truth and to make people believe by advertisements or by false statistics that education indeed has improved what in reality, if we think critically and pay attention carefully to what is really happening we will conclude that all those things are false and that the money has been wasted and manipulated by ambitious people who are only interested in themselves and that by lying to others have achieved their misdeeds. However, there are still many people who would believe every single word to a person like that. That is why critical pedagogy focuses on developing social literacies that are functional, cultural, and critical, mostly in the younger generations which are the future of the world and as future educators and teachers we need literacies that enable people to critically analyze the new electronic technologies that are shaping everyday life through the popular media, video, television, digital imaging, and film. (Giroux, 2006). This is with the aim to encourage critical thinking skills in students, creating an open and accepting class where they can express their ideas and feelings towards an issue.
    To conclude, I think that this way of teaching is becoming more and more necessary in the schools for children and teenagers but also for adults, as we are the guides of the youngest we need to educate ourselves first to think critically and collaborate in a cooperative learning environment where the powerless can use strength in numbers to challenge the powerful.


Giroux H.A. (2006) Henry Giroux on Critical Pedagogy and the Responsibilities of the Public Intellectual. In: America on the Edge. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. Retrieved from
- McGuire Della. (n.d.). Applying Learning Theories in the Classroom. Retrieved from


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